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When producing cables and wires, every little detail counts. In the first part of our new series, you will learn how wires are made.
When producing cables and wires, every little detail counts. In the second part of our series, you will learn how we manufacture stranded conductors.
When producing cables and wires, every little detail counts. In the third part of our series, you will learn how we insulate stranded conductors with plastics.
When producing cables and wires, every little detail counts. In the fourth part of our series, you will learn how and why we strand single cores together.
When producing cables and wires, every little detail counts. In the fifth part of our series, you will learn how braids around cables are made and what purposes they serve.
When producing cables and wires, every little detail counts. In the sixth part of our series, you will learn how the sheath is manufactured and why it is important.
When producing cables and wires, every little detail counts. In the seventh and final part of our series, you will learn about the cable marking process.